Psychotherapy and Counselling
I offer psychotherapy and counselling to adult individuals.
Both psychotherapy and counselling are talking therapies. There are no drugs, although psychotherapy is sometimes used alongside a course of medication. The therapy simply involves the client and therapist engaging in a dialogue, working together to help the client overcome whatever is troubling them.
The terms psychotherapy and counselling are often used interchangeably because in practice they’re very similar. Sometimes when people speak of ‘counselling’ they’re referring to a short-term therapy that’s directed towards immediate issues: the focus is the here and now. Psychotherapy, by contrast, is often used to describe a longer-term, more in-depth process.
What’s important is that they can help you to feel better. In asking you to examine your thoughts and memories in a more objective way, and consider your options, they can put you on the path to recovery, whether your distress is central to your life or simply an irritation you could do without.
If you would like to know more, then detailed information can be found on the websites of the professional associations BACP – British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy ( and UKCP – United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (
Whether you anticipate needing support or guidance over the short, medium or long term and whether the issues you face have troubled you for all your adult life or have only recently emerged, talking therapy can help.